Pester 5 test Powershell code in pipeline
Some time ago I created Pester tests for Azure Automation Runbooks as part of a pipeline to validate code before getting checked into a repo. Though this was pre version 5 of Pester, and as 5 came around there where some changes that had to be done for everything to keep working. I will go through in this post the code I use to trigger the tests as part of a pipeline, and the tests I use. The test use both PSScriptAnalyzer and some custom AST test to validate that the Powershell code follows a certain structure layout.
The pipeline is a yaml, that triggers powershell scripts that does the heavy lifting.

The image above shows a pipeline run after updating one of the Runbooks/Modules in the repo. The powershell script below triggers running the Pester tests and creates a test report that is uploaded to AzDo and will either fail or pass the run depending on the results.
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Paths to scripts/modules to run test against in repo. .PARAMETER TestOutPutFilePath Optional. Path to where test results are stored. Default is: ".\Test-Pester.XML" .PARAMETER MinimumSeverityLevel Optional. Level of detail PSSscriptAnalyzer checks language in scripts. Default is: Error .NOTES AUTHOR: Morten Lerudjordet #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string]$TestScriptPath, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string[]]$TestPaths, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$TestOutPutFilePath = ".\Test-Pester.XML", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [validateSet('Information', 'Warning','Error')] [string]$MinimumSeverityLevel = 'Error' ) try { Write-Host -Object "Starting test script at time: $(get-Date -format r).`nRunning PS version: $($PSVersionTable.PSVersion)`nOn agent: $($env:computername)`n" #region Variables ############################################################ # Variables ############################################################ $PSGalleryRepositoryName = "PSGallery" $PSGalleryRepositoryURL = "https://www.powershellgallery.com/api/v2/" $PowershellGetModuleName = "PowershellGet" $PackageManagementModuleName = "PackageManagement" $ModulesToImport = @("PSScriptAnalyzer","Pester") #endregion #region Core Package Managers Module Import Import-Module -Name $PowershellGetModuleName,$PackageManagementModuleName -ErrorAction Continue -ErrorVariable oErr if ($oErr) { Write-Host -Object "##vso[task.logissue type=error;]Failed to load needed package management modules" Write-Error -Message "Failed to load needed package management modules" -ErrorAction Stop } Write-Host -Object "$PowershellGetModuleName version: $((Get-Module -Name $PowershellGetModuleName).Version.ToString()) is imported" Write-Host -Object "$PackageManagementModuleName version: $((Get-Module -Name $PackageManagementModuleName).Version.ToString()) is imported" #endregion #region Powershell Module Repository Verification $Repositories = Get-PSRepository -ErrorAction Continue -ErrorVariable oErr if ($oErr) { Write-Error -Message "Failed to get registered repository information" -ErrorAction Stop } # Checking if PSGallery repository is available if(-not ($Repositories.Name -match $PSGalleryRepositoryName) ) { Write-Host -Object "Adding $PSGalleryRepositoryName repository and setting it to trusted" Register-PSRepository -Name $PSGalleryRepositoryName -SourceLocation $PSGalleryRepositoryURL -PublishLocation $PSGalleryRepositoryURL -InstallationPolicy 'Trusted' -ErrorAction Continue -ErrorVariable oErr if($oErr) { Write-Host -Object "##vso[task.logissue type=error;]Failed to add $PSGalleryRepositoryName as trusted" Write-Error -Message "Failed to add $PSGalleryRepositoryName as trusted" -ErrorAction Stop } } else { Write-Host -Object "Trusting $PSGalleryRepositoryName repository" Set-PSRepository -Name $PSGalleryRepositoryName -InstallationPolicy 'Trusted' -ErrorAction Continue -ErrorVariable oErr if($oErr) { Write-Host -Object "##vso[task.logissue type=error;]Failed to set $PSGalleryRepositoryName as trusted" Write-Error -Message "Failed to set $PSGalleryRepositoryName as trusted" -ErrorAction Stop } } #endregion #Region Verify modules $ModulesToCheck = @() $ModulesAvailable = $true $ModuleTime = Measure-Command { foreach($ModuleName in $ModulesToImport) { $GalleryModuleInfo = Find-Module -Name $ModuleName -Repository PSGallery -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $Module = Get-Module -Name $ModuleName -ListAvailable -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if(-not $Module) { Write-Host -Object "##vso[task.logissue type=error;]$ModuleName is not installed on: $($env:computername)" Write-Error -Message "$ModuleName is not installed on: $($env:computername)" -ErrorAction Continue $Module = [pscustomobject]@{Version=[version]"0.0.0"} $ModulesAvailable = $false } $LocalModuleVersion = [version]($Module | Sort-Object -Descending -Property Version)[0].Version if($GalleryModuleInfo) { $ModulesToCheck += [pscustomobject]@{ModuleName = $ModuleName;Update= [version]($GalleryModuleInfo.Version) -gt $LocalModuleVersion;Version= $GalleryModuleInfo.Version.ToString();LocalVersion= $LocalModuleVersion.ToString()} } else { Write-Host -Object "##vso[task.logissue type=error;]Failed to retrieve module: $ModuleName from PSGallery" Write-Error -Message "Failed to retrieve module: $ModuleName from PSGallery" -ErrorAction Continue } } } Write-Host -Object "`nFetching versions of modules to use from PSGallery took: $($ModuleTime.Seconds) seconds`n" # Check that all modules are available if(-not $ModulesAvailable) { Write-Host -Object "Modules info:`n$($ModulesToCheck | Out-String)" Write-Error -Message "Not all needed modules are installed on: $($env:computername). Check previous errors" -ErrorAction Stop } if($ModulesToCheck -and $ModulesAvailable) { foreach($Module in $ModulesToCheck) { if($Module.Update) { Write-Host -Object "$($Module.ModuleName) has a newer version in PSGallery.`nCurrent: $($Module.LocalVersion)`nAvailable: $($Module.Version)" } else { Write-Host -Object "Latest version of module: $($Module.ModuleName) available locally on: $($env:computername). Version: $($Module.LocalVersion)" } Write-Host -Object "Importing module: $($Module.ModuleName)" Import-Module -Name $Module.ModuleName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable oErr if ($oErr) { Write-Host -Object "##vso[task.logissue type=error;]Failed to import module: $($Module.ModuleName)" Write-Error -Message "Failed to import module: $($Module.ModuleName)" -ErrorAction Stop } else { Write-Host -Object "Successfully imported module: $($Module.ModuleName)" } Write-Host -Object "`n" } } else { Write-Host -Object "##vso[task.logissue type=error;]Failed to retrieve module information from PSGallery or modules are not installed" Write-Error -Message "Failed to retrieve module information from PSGallery or modules are not installed" -ErrorAction Stop } #endregion #region Test Assets Write-Host -Object "Input values for Pester Test Run:`nTestScripts: $TestScriptPath" foreach($Path in $TestPaths) { Write-Host -Object "Discovering assets to test in: $Path " } Write-Host -Object "TestResults: $TestOutPutFilePath" #endregion #Region Pester Tests Write-Host -Object "`nRunning Pester Tests:" $PesterContainers = $null if($TestPaths.Count -ge 1) { $PesterContainers = $TestPaths | ForEach-Object { Write-Host -Object "Creating pester container for path: $($_)" New-PesterContainer -Path $TestScriptPath -Data @{Path = $_; MinimumSeverityLevel = $MinimumSeverityLevel} } } else { Write-Host -Object "Creating pester container for path: $($TestPaths)" $PesterContainers = New-PesterContainer -Path $TestScriptPath -Data @{Path = $TestPaths; MinimumSeverityLevel = $MinimumSeverityLevel} } # $PesterConfig = [PesterConfiguration]::Default # $PesterConfig.TestResult.Enabled = $true # $PesterConfig.TestResult.OutputPath = $TestOutPutFilePath $Report = Invoke-Pester -Container $PesterContainers -Output Detailed -PassThru | ConvertTo-NUnitReport $Report.Save($TestOutPutFilePath) if(Test-Path -Path $TestOutPutFilePath) { Write-Host -Object "Test result successfully exported to file" # workaround for failed Pester test setting exit code 1 and failing pipeline if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { $LASTEXITCODE = 0 } } else { Write-Host -Object "##vso[task.logissue type=error;]Test results failed to be exported to file" Write-Error -Message "Test results failed to be exported to file" -ErrorAction Stop } #endregion } catch { if ($_.Exception.Message) { Write-Host -Object "##vso[task.logissue type=error;]$($_.Exception.Message)" Write-Error -Message "$($_.Exception.Message)" -ErrorAction Continue } else { Write-Host -Object "##vso[task.logissue type=error;]$($_.Exception)" Write-Error -Message "$($_.Exception)" -ErrorAction Continue } exit 1 } finally { Write-Host -Object "Task ended at time: $(Get-Date -Format r)" } |
The report will look like the image below for a clean run.

The pipeline code to do this is show below.

The test script takes as an input the path to publish the result report and the built in test publish task takes the file and uploads to Azure DevOps.
The pester tests are maybe not the best when it comes to following Pester established structure, but they where written a long time ago, and only updated enough to work with version 5. The tests are split into different types of tests for how Powershell code/modules are structured.
Update: Have done some rewrites to the test to be more inline with good practice for Pester 5.
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Check that file exists $FileExists = Get-ChildItem -Path $FilePath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $FileExists | Should -Exist } } Context 'Powershell File Content Tests' { BeforeDiscovery { $astTestCases = $TestCases | ForEach-Object { $astTokens = $null $astErrors = $null $ast = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseFile( $_.FilePath, [ref]$astTokens, [ref]$astErrors ) $astHash = @{ ast = $ast astToken = $astTokens astError = $astErrors FileName = $_.FileName } $astHash } } It "Script: [<FileName>] should not have parsing errors" -TestCases $TestCases { Param( $ast, $astToken, $astError, $FileName ) $astError | Should -BeNullOrEmpty } It "Script: [<FileName>] should have PARAM block" -TestCases $astTestCases { Param( $ast, $astToken, $astError, $FileName ) $Param = $ast.ParamBlock.Extent.Text {$Param} | Should -Not -Throw $Param | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } It "Script: [<FileName>] should have SYNOPSIS" -TestCases $astTestCases { Param( $ast, $astToken, $astError, $FileName ) #$Comment = $astToken.where({$_.kind -eq 'comment' -and $_.Text -match ".SYNOPSIS"}) | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Text $Comment = $ast.GetHelpContent() {$Comment.SYNOPSIS} | Should -Not -Throw $Comment.SYNOPSIS | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } It "Script: [<FileName>] should have DESCRIPTION" -TestCases $astTestCases { Param( $ast, $astToken, $astError, $FileName ) $Comment = $ast.GetHelpContent() {$Comment.DESCRIPTION} | Should -Not -Throw $Comment.DESCRIPTION | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } It "Script: [<FileName>] should have PARAMETERS" -TestCases $astTestCases { Param( $ast, $astToken, $astError, $FileName ) $Comment = $ast.GetHelpContent() {$Comment.PARAMETERS} | Should -Not -Throw $Comment.PARAMETERS | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } } } #endregion #region Module Tests Describe "Powershell Module Validation Tests" { BeforeDiscovery { # Get only modules for testing $TestCases = $TestCandidates | Where-Object {$_.ScriptType -eq "Module"} $astTestCases = $TestCases | ForEach-Object { $astTokens = $null $astErrors = $null $ast = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseFile( $_.FilePath, [ref]$astTokens, [ref]$astErrors ) $astHash = @{ ast = $ast astToken = $astTokens astError = $astErrors FileName = $_.FileName } $astHash } } Context 'Module Files Tests' { It "Module: [<FileName>] should exist" -TestCases $TestCases { Param( $FilePath, $FileName, $ScriptType ) # Check that file exists $FileExists = Get-ChildItem -Path $FilePath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $FileExists | Should -Exist } It "Module: [<FileName>] should not have parsing errors" -TestCases $astTestCases { Param( $ast, $astToken, $astError, $FileName ) $astError | Should -BeNullOrEmpty } It "Module: [<FileName>] should import" -TestCases $TestCases { Param( $FilePath, $FileName, $ScriptType ) # Tests for modules { Import-Module -Name $FilePath -force } | Should -Not -Throw } } Context 'Module Content Tests' { BeforeDiscovery { $functionTestCases = $astTestCases | ForEach-Object { $func = $_.ast.FindAll({ param( [System.Management.Automation.Language.Ast]$ast ) $ast -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.FunctionDefinitionAst] -and # Class methods have a FunctionDefinitionAst under them as well, but we don't want them. ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 5 -or $ast.Parent -isnot [System.Management.Automation.Language.FunctionMemberAst]) }, $true) $FileName = $_.FileName $funcHash = $func | ForEach-Object { @{ FileName = $FileName FunctionName = $_.Name FunctionHelp = $_.GetHelpContent() } } $funcHash } } It "Function: [<FunctionName>] in Module: [<FileName>] should have SYNOPSIS" -TestCases $functionTestCases { Param( $FileName, $FunctionName, $FunctionHelp ) {$FunctionHelp.SYNOPSIS} | Should -Not -Throw $FunctionHelp.SYNOPSIS | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } It "Function: [<FunctionName>] in Module: [<FileName>] should have DESCRIPTION" -TestCases $functionTestCases { Param( $FileName, $FunctionName, $FunctionHelp ) {$FunctionHelp.DESCRIPTION} | Should -Not -Throw $FunctionHelp.DESCRIPTION | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } It "Function: [<FunctionName>] in Module: [<FileName>] should have PARAMETERS" -TestCases $functionTestCases { Param( $FileName, $FunctionName, $FunctionHelp ) {$FunctionHelp.PARAMETERS} | Should -Not -Throw $FunctionHelp.PARAMETERS | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } } } #endregion #region Module Manifest Tests Describe "Powershell Module Manifest Tests" { BeforeDiscovery { $TestCases = $TestCandidates | Where-Object {$_.ScriptType -eq "Manifest"} $Manifests = $TestCases | ForEach-Object { Test-ModuleManifest -Path $_.FilePath } $ManifestTestCases = $Manifests | ForEach-Object { @{ Name = $_.Name Guid = $_.Guid Version = $_.Version FileList = $_.FileList } } } Context 'Manifest Files Tests' { It "Manifest: [<FileName>] has a valid manifest" -TestCases $TestCases { Param( $FilePath, $FileName, $ScriptType ) { Test-ModuleManifest -Path $FilePath -ErrorAction Stop -WarningAction SilentlyContinue } | Should -Not -Throw } It "Manifest: [<Name>] has a guid" -TestCases $ManifestTestCases { Param( $Name, $Guid, $Version, $FileList ) $Guid | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } It "Manifest: [<Name>] has a version" -TestCases $ManifestTestCases { Param( $Name, $Guid, $Version, $FileList ) $Version | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } It "Manifest: [<Name>] has a list of files" -TestCases $ManifestTestCases { Param( $Name, $Guid, $Version, $FileList ) $FileList | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } } } #endregion #region Powershell Script Analyzer Describe "PowerShell Script Analyzer Test" -Tag 'Compliance' { BeforeDiscovery { # Get unique path for scripts to use as input for script analyzer $ScriptPaths = Split-Path -Path $TestCandidates.FilePath | Sort-Object -Unique $Rules = Get-ScriptAnalyzerRule Switch ($MinimumSeverityLevel) { 'Information' {$Severities = @('Information', 'Warning', 'Error')} 'Warning' {$Severities = @('Warning', 'Error')} 'Error' {$Severities = @('Error')} } $PSScriptAnalyzerSettings = @{ Severity = $Severities ExcludeRule = @('PSUseSingularNouns') IncludeRule = $Rules } # Test all with PSScriptAnalyzer $ScriptAnalyzerResult = @() if( $ScriptPaths.Count -ge 1 ) { $ScriptAnalyzerResult = $ScriptPaths | ForEach-Object { Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -Recurse -Path $_ @PSScriptAnalyzerSettings } } else { $ScriptAnalyzerResult = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -Recurse -Path $ScriptPaths @PSScriptAnalyzerSettings } $NoErrors = $null if($ScriptAnalyzerResult) { # Compare those not successful $NoErrors = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $TestCandidates.FileName -DifferenceObject $ScriptAnalyzerResult.ScriptName | Where-Object { $_.SideIndicator -eq "<=" } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty InputObject $SkipPSATest = $false } else { # Everything was perfect, let's show that as well $NoErrors = $TestCases.FileName $SkipPSATest = $true } } Context 'Test Script Analyzer Violations for Scripts' { BeforeDiscovery { $TestCases = $ScriptAnalyzerResult | Where-Object { $_.ScriptName -like "*.ps1" } | Foreach-Object { @{ RuleName = $_.RuleName ScriptName = $_.ScriptName Message = $_.Message Severity = $_.Severity Line = $_.Line } } } It "[<ScriptName>] should not violate: [<RuleName>] on line: [<Line>] with severity: [<Severity>] and message: [<Message>]" -TestCases $TestCases -Skip:( $SkipPSATest ) { param( $RuleName, $ScriptName, $Message, $Severity, $Line ) $ScriptName | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } } Context 'Test Script Analyzer Violations for Modules' { BeforeDiscovery { $TestCases = $ScriptAnalyzerResult | Where-Object { $_.ScriptName -notlike "*.ps1" } | Foreach-Object { @{ RuleName = $_.RuleName ScriptName = $_.ScriptName Message = $_.Message Severity = $_.Severity Line = $_.Line } } } It "[<ScriptName>] should not violate: [<RuleName>] on line: [<Line>] with severity: [<Severity>] and message: [<Message>]" -TestCases $TestCases -Skip:( $SkipPSATest ) { param( $RuleName, $ScriptName, $Message, $Severity, $Line ) $ScriptName | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } } # Show good functions in the test, the more green the better Context 'Test Script Analyzer Passes' { BeforeDiscovery { $TestCase = $NoErrors | Foreach-Object { @{ ScriptName = $_ } } } It "[<ScriptName>] has no Script Analyzer Violations" -TestCases $TestCase { param( $ScriptName ) $ScriptName | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } } } #endregion |
Lastly a sanitized version of the build pipeline in use.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 | name: $(BuildDefinitionName)-$(Build.SourceBranchName)-$(Date:yyyyMMdd)-$(Build.BuildId) pool: name: Azure Pipelines # Default hosted pipeline name vmImage: "windows-latest" variables: trigger: branches: include: - Dev - master paths: include: - "*" exclude: - "Azure-Automation-Runbook-CD.json" - "Deploy/Pipeline/*" - "Build/*" pr: none steps: - task: PowerShell@2 displayName: "Run Tests" inputs: targetType: filePath filePath: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)\Build\AzP-RunTests.ps1' arguments: '-TestScriptPath ''$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)\Build\Tests\*'' -TestPaths @("$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)\Runbooks","$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)\Modules") -TestOutPutFilePath ''$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)\Test-Pester.xml'' -MinimumSeverityLevel ''$(PSScriptAnalyzerErrorLevel)''' pwsh: true - task: PublishTestResults@2 displayName: "Publish Pester Test Results" inputs: testResultsFormat: NUnit failTaskOnFailedTests: true - pwsh: | $BranchName = "$(Build.SourceBranchName)" Write-Host -Object "Name of branch to trigger build: $BranchName" if($BranchName -eq "dev") { Write-Host -Object "Updating name of Runbook variable to use branch: $BranchName to DevGitFileDiff" Write-Host -Object "##vso[task.setvariable variable=GitDiffVariableName;]DevGitFileDiff" Write-Host -Object "Updating name of Module variable to use for branch: $BranchName to DevGitModuleDiff" Write-Host -Object "##vso[task.setvariable variable=GitDiffModuleVariableName;]DevGitModuleDiff" } name: "SetGitDiffVar" displayName: "Set GitDiffVariableName based on branch" - task: PowerShell@2 displayName: "Run Pipeline Helpers" inputs: targetType: filePath filePath: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)\Build\AzP-Helpers.ps1' arguments: "-VSteamAccount '$(VSteamAccount)' -VSteamProject '$(System.TeamProject)' -AccessToken '$(System.AccessToken)' -VariableGroupName '$(VariableGroupName)' -GitDiffVariableName '$(GitDiffVariableName)' -GitDiffModuleVariableName '$(GitDiffModuleVariableName)' -ForceDeployAll '$(ForceDeployAll)' -ArtifactRootPathName '$(ArtifactName)'" pwsh: true - task: PublishPipelineArtifact@1 displayName: "Publish AA resources as artifact" # Release CD will trigger even if no artifact is published # condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables['GitFileDiff'], '!nochange!')) inputs: targetPath: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)\Deploy' artifactName: "$(ArtifactName)" |
For the actual runbook and modules code, the pipeline will only copy the ones that has changed since last trigger and put them in an artifact. This artifact is then used in the release part of the pipeline to publish to the different Azure Automation environments.
Hope the tests are usefull.
Happy tinkering!