Give me more datadisks
With lower tier VM’s in Azure you have a limit on how many data disk you can attach. As an example an A1 can only have 2 datadisks of 1 TB each attached. So if you just want to use Azure for storing a lot of data like backup you are kind of out of…
AzureRM WordPress migrate to Docker MySQL complete story
Wanted to document my journey to get this blog up and going in Azure. This was a experiment as much as anything. Though the result was not too shabby. First we start by creating a new Azure WordPress Web App. Press New and search for WordPress Choose the WordPress web app and accept the terms. Fill…
Creating Site to Site VPN in Azure Resource Manager
This will be a short post, just wanted to have all Powershell code needed to create a connection between a network outside Azure and your ARM resources in one place. I tried to set this up with my local TMG server, though this did not work as it did with ASM. Check this page for…
Azure Automation and logs in OMS
In this installment, we will look closer at some aspects of automation especially in the era of Azure Automation. I am a monitor person of hearth, and firmly believe that every piece of software running out there should adhere to the principal “more information the better”. By that, I mean that every piece of running…