CRM & ADFS woes (the connector story)
So I have been doing some ADFS 3.0 work as of late. Part of this work included getting CRM 2016 to use ADFS for authentication instead of the normal AD (IWA) approach. Getting the user side of it set up is not that hard, and there are many good sources for correct information. Now it…
ADFS3.0 MEX Monitor Fix
I recently did some work on publishing internal legacy applications using WAP and ADFS for pre-authentication. Wrapping of the production part of these components I wanted to get full visibility into how they performed over time. To do this I added in SCOM management packs for both products. As monitoring kicked in I started seeing…
SCOM Agent Quick Firewall Rules
I always try not to have to do too much repeat work, so when I have some extra time I like to make some stuff easier. This time I threw together a quick and easy way of adding the needed firewall openings to servers for SCOM Agent push installs. One little note; the commands used…
WAP & ADFS the persistent cookie conundrum
I recently did some work with WAP 2012R2 (Web Application Proxy) and ADFS 3.0 (Active Directory Federation Services) looking into how the different timeout values work in conjunction with publishing internal legacy applications to the intrawebz. This using IWA (Integrated Windows Authentication) for the backend, and that meant setting up KCD (Kerberos Constrained Delegation) between…
Give me more datadisks
With lower tier VM’s in Azure you have a limit on how many data disk you can attach. As an example an A1 can only have 2 datadisks of 1 TB each attached. So if you just want to use Azure for storing a lot of data like backup you are kind of out of…
Remote App with RDWeb
Just a small post so I can remember this to the next time. If you want to get rid of the warning when using published applications with Remote App on Windows Server 2012 R2 you will need to configure the following. On the server hosting your RD stuff, start server manager and find the remote…